We provide feasible market research to help you doing business and developing strategies.

With the rapidly changing business environment like advanced IT system, networking and globalization(internationalization/development of the free trade agreements), it is essential for businesses operating globally to develop feasible marketing strategies in order to achieve their business plans. For creating marketing strategies, what matters most is to present situational data analysis, share the current issues, and build strategic assumptions to address them.

However, unlike developed countries with advanced infrastructure where it is easy to identify new trends and behavioral pattern of customers, competitors etc, in emerging market, it is not easy to collect new data that is reliable and that is representative of the markets or segment as a whole. In some cases, we will not be able to obtain secondary data, and therefore the basic data for quantitative analysis shall be gathered from primary sources such as interviews with the clients, contacts and trade associations in similar industries and businesses. Accordingly, at the beginning of the research, our focus shall be placed on detailed understanding of your objectives and strategy to be designed to achieve and progress on those goals.

We have strong credentials in broad range of industry surveys including consumer, industry and business fields, operating mainly in the Asian market. 

We pay serious attention to your business challenge, identify survey objectives and develop survey plans suitable for your goals. As a result, our market survey plan will come out not just well-formatted but effectively and efficiently tailored for subsequent business activities and strategic planning.
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Our main field of survey:

Preliminary market environment survey for developing new product sales promotion strategy in China
Interview to business competitor for the feasibility study on advancing to the North American market
The preliminary market survey for establishing a joint venture in Indonesia
Explore the potential for credit card transaction business in China
Credential reputation of future partner in China
Set up a long-list of future partner in China
Prepare the report on current trade state and trade promotion measures between India and Japan
Market survey on competitors’ strategic trends in China
Under the rapidly changing economic environment, developing and designing feasible strategic planning is a key for companies operating globally to implement their business plan.  In order to validate the strategic plans, it is key to conduct market survey aiming at precise analysis and comprehensive understanding of the current situation.