Statutory audits
As a member firm of Grant Thornton International (GTIL), we provide international-standard audit & assurance services. We perform audit services effectively and efficiently by utilising our global audit methodologyo deliver consistent audit services globally and the integrated audit tool (Leap) to maintain audit quality and improve audit efficiency. Also our audit services are regularly reviewed by GTIL review team, thereby allowing us to further improve our audit quality.
IPO voluntary audits
Grant Thornton Taiyo LLC provides audits for preparing for public offering, based on its extensive experience, to many companies aiming to go public.
Other voluntary audits
Grant Thornton Taiyo LLC provides various types of discretionary audits based on the request of management.
Information security audit
We verify and evaluate the state of appropriate controls based on information security risk assessments, and provide accurate advice to help improve information security.
Business Tax Services
Growing businesses need strong tax management to meet current and future tax liabilities and we can help you achieve this, whatever challenges you face.
Private Client Consulting
Private Client Consulting team provides a comprehensive cross section of advisory services to high net worth individuals and corporate executives, allowing such individuals to concentrate on their business interests.
International Tax Services
In an ever-increasing environment of global competition, businesses must now cope with not only the complexity of different global operating environments, but also with global tax, legislative and corporate regulatory requirements.
Transaction Tax
Our collaborative approach creates dynamic teams with a range of financial, commercial and operational backgrounds. We can help you understand the value drivers behind successful transactions. We support you throughout the transaction process helping achieve the best possible outcome at the point of the transaction and in the longer term.
Human Capital
With expertise in visa, payroll, human capital and income tax, we adopt a multi-disciplinary and global approach to provide comprehensive solutions to businesses' most valuable asset-people.
Corporate Finance
Growing your business profitably against a tough economic backdrop is challenging and correctly evaluating and delivering transactions is a key part of a company’s growth strategy.
IPO Consulting
From business incubation to public stock offering, we offer a wide range of support programsservices for every stage of business development.
International financial reporting standards (IFRS)
Our IFRS advisers can help you navigate the complexity of the Standards so you can focus your time and effort on running your business.
Grant Thornton Taiyo Inc. provides total support for corporate restructuring; aimed atto responding to dramatic changes in the management environment.
Corporate governance and risk management
Helping you balance risk and opportunity
Forensic and investigation services
Rapid and customised approach to investigations and dispute resolution
Market research
Growing your business profitably against a tough economic backdrop is challenging and correctly evaluating and delivering transactions is a key part of a company’s growth strategy.
We can support you throughout the transaction process – helping achieve the best possible outcome at the point of the transaction and in the longer term..
China Business and Tax Advisory Services
We take the worry out of doing business in China, working closely with Grant Thornton member firms and other professional accounting firms in China.
Business Process Re-engineering
Growing your business profitably against a tough economic backdrop is challenging and correctly evaluating and delivering transactions is a key part of a company’s growth strategy.

Investing in Japan real estate from overseas.
Foreign investors looking to invest in Japan real estate have various options on how to hold the investment. Generally speaking the taxation aspects over the lifetime of the investment are as follows:
The second in our series of newsletters covers the acquisition taxes and annual tax compliance associated with investing in real estate in Japan.
Taxes on acquisition
Real estate acquisition tax
Real estate acquisition tax is due at 4% on residential land and housing (3% up to 31 March 2024) and 4% on other properties.
Consumption tax
Consumption tax of 10% is due on the price of buildings but not land.
Registration taxes
Registration taxes are due when the ownership of land and property is changed. The amount depends on whether the real estate is newly-built or used.
Stamp duty
Stamp duty is paid by affixing stamps to the physical copies of the buyer and seller’s contracts. The amount depends on the contract value but ranges from JPY200 up to JPY480,000 for contracts over JPY5 billion.
Holding period taxes
Property taxes
Assets held as of 1 January each year are subject to fixed assets tax. The tax is 1.4% of the taxable base, which is calculated on the basis of a valuation made by the municipality and is usually lower than market value. Payments of the tax are due in four instalments in April, July and December of the year and February of the following year.
Income taxes
Our previous newsletter covered the different income tax rates for corporations and individuals. A non-resident individual is required to file an individual income tax return covering taxable income for a calendar year, and pay the income tax due by 15 March of the following year. A domestic corporation is required to file a corporate income tax return (including national, municipal and local returns) and pay the tax within 2 months of the end of the company’s financial year end. A one-month extension is available for the filing (but not payment) deadline.
Consumption tax
Consumption tax of 10% should be charged on rental fees for commercial properties, but not residential ones. Consumption tax paid on purchases can be deducted from this. A consumption tax return and payment of tax is due at the same time as the income tax returns. In some cases, although the tax must be charged, a taxpayer may not be obliged to file a return and pay the tax over to the government. The obligation to file a return is complicated and depends on the type of taxpayer, taxable sales in previous periods and can also be affected by the type of tenants. It is advisable to take professional advice before purchasing a property in order to understand these various impacts.
Withholding tax
Corporate tenants are required to withhold 20.42% of rental payments to a non-resident individual (10.21% for payments to non-resident corporations) as income tax. Individual tenants are not required to perform income tax withholding. No withholding is required if the landlord is a domestic corporation.
As you can see, there are many taxes involved in the acquisition and holding phase of property investment in Japan and professional advice should be taken to make sure these are understood at the planning stage. Stay tuned for the next newsletter in our series, which will cover the taxes upon exiting the investment.
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