With expertise in visa, payroll, human capital and income tax, we adopt a multi-disciplinary and global approach to provide comprehensive solutions to businesses' most valuable asset-people.

Our Services

An integrated approach to immigration matters.

The art of human resource management.

Multi-discipline approach to gauge your people strategy.

Business process for human resources and organizational success has become more and more dependent on technology.

We work closely with management to support domestic and foreign businesses stay compliant and create value for their businesses through people.

Your people are probably your business’ most valuable asset. If you choose to send them overseas you will face certain tax liabilities, social security and pension obligations.


Revision of the Act on Childcare Leave: Actions required from employers

The Act on Childcare Leave was revised in 2021 with the aim of improving working environments as well as encouraging male employees to take childcare leave. The revisions, detailed below, came into effect from April 2022 and employers are required to update their company rules in order to accommodate the changes.