Go Beyond


Grant Thornton's brand identity: ‘Go Beyond’.


We at the Grant Thornton Taiyo Group are committed to achieving "Go Beyond: Together, Beyond Limits." We strive to meet and exceed our clients' commitment to growth in the Japanese market.


To express “Go Beyond” in a uniquely Japanese way, we drew inspiration from traditional Japanese arts such as tea ceremony (茶道) and martial arts (武道). The concept of “守破離” (Shu-Ha-Ri) embodies the creative process that underpins the development and evolution of Japanese cultural practices. It consists of three stages:


"守" (Shu):In this stage, practitioners strictly adhere to the teachings, forms, and techniques of their masters. This is effective for maintaining accuracy and earning the trust of society.

"破" (Ha):In this phase, practitioners explore and incorporate valuable teachings from other sources, thereby advancing their skills. It's about transforming the mindset from "I can't" to "I can," and overcoming challenges collectively.

"離" (Ri):In the final stage, practitioners liberate themselves from reliance on a single master or tradition, crafting their own unique path. This releases a company's inherent potential, empowering it to freely towards the future with novel creations and innovations.


At Grant Thornton Group, we partner with companies dedicated to growth and transformation. Embodying the spirit of "守破離" (Shu-Ha-Ri). We walk alongside our clients, consistently challenging ourselves to drive and inspire further changes.